Middle East War Expands, page-2485

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    IDF fighter killed in West Bank in car ramming attack, couple of others ( unclear if Israeli combatants or civvies ) wounded in critical condition. Then this from Palestine Chronicle live feed:

    ISRAELI POLICE CHIEF: The police do not know whether some of the wounded in the ramming attack that took place near the city of Ramla were shot by Israeli police, noting that the police are now investigating this

    Posted by: Exile | Jul 14 2024 14:22 utc | 1

    More slaughter in Gaza. Another 70, or more dead and 300 or more wounded as the slavering mad dog Izzies continue their feeding frenzy. Bombing refugee tents. Wow. Such manly soldiers fighting fiercely against babies and their starving mothers. Would some one please please pull the plug on these lunatics!

    Posted by: Formerly Miss Lacy | Jul 14 2024 14:51 utc | 2

    Posted by: Exile | Jul 14 2024 14:22 utc | 1

    The west bank gave up their weapons, supported the treacherous Palestine authority and did so under the auspice of isrealis keeping their word in previous negotiations.

    Gaza kept their weapons, kept firm to their lines in the sand and this was obvious by the fact that all settlements got pushed out of gasa and then isreal built a wall around it.

    Both choices get you the same result with jews.

    Do you want to die after you get tricked into giving up your weapons ?

    Or do you want to cook jews inside a steel box Merkava ?

    Posted by: ryanggg | Jul 14 2024 15:46 utc | 3

    israel, the new south africa circa 1970 or whatever... amazing how a country can do in the exact opposite direction of sanity and humanity...

    Posted by: james | Jul 14 2024 15:54 utc | 4

    /brambles lets out a cheep

    Perchance you won't mind to be a light under a bushel in such interesting times. We must shed our light as best we can. And if you can afford such freedom in your life catch your bushel alight to brighten a darkening world.

    /brambles lapses back to quiet

    Posted by: titmouse | Jul 14 2024 16:09 utc | 5

    These are not military targets, but the Zionist will use the same tired old line that Hamas fighters were hiding there to justify their murdering of innocent people.

    Its now abundantly clear that only force will stop the Zionists genocide in Gaza.

    "Israeli forces have targeted a UN-run school for Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) in the Nuseirat refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip, killing more than a dozen and injuring many more.

    The UNRWA-run school, which has been housing hundreds of displaced people, was struck on Sunday, as Israel continues to systematically target shelters, schools, and UNRWA facilities across the besieged strip in its tenth-month genocidal war.

    The Gaza Government Media Office said that the attack on the Abu Oreiban School in Nuseirat refugee camp killed 15 people and left 80 wounded."

    Posted by: Republicofscotland | Jul 14 2024 18:11 utc | 6

    Another 100 Palestineans massacred but everyone seems to care about a New York liberal billionaire getting a scratch

    Posted by: Polli | Jul 14 2024 20:01 utc | 7

    meanwhile back at the genocide ranch

    we are ruled by sociopaths
    who are sending 500, 1000 and 2000-pound bombs to be dropped by zionist psychopaths on defenseless civilians, killing 10s of thousands of innocents.
    And Western mainstream media wants us to think this is all done by israel in 'self-defense

    I can’t stop thinking about that line. That line is absolutely incredible. “There’s no place for violence in our democracy.” Said by a war criminal about a war criminal, during an active genocide they both support. Mainstream society is ran entirely on self-deluding psychosis.

    Graphic | Children's bodies lay scattered at the UNRWA school in Al-Nuseirat refugee camp after an Israeli bombing struck its grounds, killing and wounding dozens of displaced Palestinians seeking shelter in their tents.

    My timeline is horrific right now. All I see is dead and wounded children in Palestine and the Americans praying for Trump or calling him a badass. The double standards and the indifference for Palestinian life is unbearable. I'm full of rage and despair

    Obama is denouncing violence as it’s unsettling for him to see violence used against the oppressing class he’s in. Violence is reserved for the poor, the powerless, people of colour, minorities. It’s not meant to come home to roost. That’s why he logged on faster than ever before.

    Posted by: michaelj72 | Jul 14 2024 20:21 utc | 8

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