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    ✍️Written by Hikaru Kitabayashi✍️

    Yemen is now divided into four political units. They are the Ansar Allah government of the northwestern region, the Saudi controlled internationally recognized government of the south, the Al Qaeda controlled regions of southern Yemen not occupied by Saudi forces, and ISIS which does not actually spend its energy controlling territory but does operate an active arms smuggling operation through Yemen in Africa and elsewhere under the oversight of Mossad and the CIA. Of the four political units, only Ansar Allah and Al Qaeda appear to be working for the benefit of the people that they rule.

    And, of the just mentioned governments, only Ansar Allah in the northwest has succeeded in establishing a fully functioning government that appears to be presiding over the fastest growing economy in Western Asia. Published economic data is not readily available testifying to anything anywhere in Yemen. Assertions of economic growth are thus based on a commonsense that has grown out of reading hundreds of articles originating in Yemen which don't describe economic issues directly, but do describe people's lives. Economic development, though, does tie into Ansar Allah's increasingly advanced military weapons production capability and its rapidly developing system of higher education system.

    Reading government press releases can also lead to an understanding of other matters, one of which is that the recent Ansar Allah attack on Tel Aviv was carried out at least partly to put negotiating pressure on Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia had sanctioned Yemeni banks, its national airline, and its port operations, most likely under American and Israeli pressure, as well as because of historic animosity.

    In the days after the strike on Tel Aviv and Israel's subsequent attack on the Yemeni port of Hodeida, the Yemeni government issued dozens of press releases threatening Saudi Arabia with the destruction of its international airports, its ports, its banking system, and its petroleum industry on account of its cooperation in enabling the air raid to take place. The threat was real. Ansar Allah had used only one of its new drones in bombing Tel Aviv. It obviously had many more held in reserve for possible use against Saudi Arabia.

    Most importantly, the tactic worked. The head of the Ansar Allah national negotiating team, Muhammad Abdel Salam, was able to announce on 23 July 2024 that an agreement had been reached between Ansar Allah and Saudi Arabia to cancel recent sanctions against Yemeni banks and to cease any similar sanctions in the future. It, furthermore, confirmed the resumption of Yemenia Airlines flights between Sana'a and Jordan, increasing the number of its flights to 3 per day, and operating flights to Cairo and India on a daily basis.

    More importantly, in a separate news release by the Saudi government, it was announced that Saudi Arabia did not in the past nor would it in the future cooperate with Anglo-American-Israeli bombing air raids on Ansar Allah territory. This means that, that future Israeli air raids will be strictly symbolic in nature as the logistics and the expense make them unfeasible to carry out on a regular basis.

    Significantly, within two days, Israeli air raid damage was repaired, and, in succeeding days, harbor improvements were initiated. And, as of 23 July 2024, container ships were peacefully unloading goods at Hodeida harbor, a place which had been in flames only days before.

    None of this means that there will not be a Yemeni response against Israel. Anger against Israel is being constantly encouraged. It simply means it will not happen when others want it to happen. It will happen when Ansar Allah wants it to happen. And, when it does, it will be with intention of creating maximum effect.


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