Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what...

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    Why don't you write something about the 7/10 terrorists and what they did? Hypocrit

    Posted by: Phil | Jul 30 2024 12:07 utc | 3

    Maybe because:

    1. The preceding days to 7/10
    2. The preceding 70 years to 7/10
    3. Even 7/10 was at a minimum a LIHOP+
    4. Many, if not most of Israeli casualties was friendly fire
    5. 40.000 (mostly civilians and a vast majority of women and children)is a tad high for a response
    6. Even the ICJ has no doubt about the right of resistance, implicitly 7/10

    I could go on but you probably have a menorah to light and it's getting late, Shalom

    Posted by: Newbie | Jul 30 2024 12:16 utc | 5

    So how many radical insurrectionists settlers were arrested, or shot for invading an IDF military base and attacking the MP's and military justices and staff?

    Inquiring minds would like to know!

    Posted by: Tobias Cole | Jul 30 2024 12:17 utc | 6

    Israel has tears of practice at gang rape whole running Islamic State under Baghdadi Shimon Elliot in Mosul. USUKIS got its oil , but Baghdad wants money for it, not free and unmetered. This rape is food for the world's masses, every single time, to distract from the USUKIS colonial Genocide in Gaza.

    Posted by: Giyane | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 7

    Which camp takes the most one-way flights out of Israel via the Ben Gurion airport?

    Have we witnessed the first early shots of an upcoming Israeli Civil War?
    A harbinger of a war decades or years away? Or faster?

    21 June 2024 |The Collapse of Zionism| |
    A first indicator is the fracturing of Israeli Jewish society. At present it is composed of two rival camps which are unable to find common ground. The rift stems from the anomalies of defining Judaism as nationalism. While Jewish identity in Israel has sometimes seemed little more than a subject of theoretical debate between religious and secular factions, it has now become a struggle over the character of the public sphere and the state itself. This is being fought not only in the media but also in the streets.

    One camp can be termed the ‘State of Israel’. It comprises more secular, liberal and mostly but not exclusively middle-class European Jews and their descendants, who were instrumental in establishing the state in 1948 and remained hegemonic within it until the end of the last century. Make no mistake, their advocacy of ‘liberal democratic values’ does not affect their commitment to the apartheid system which is imposed, in various ways, on all Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Their basic wish is for Jewish citizens to live in a democratic and pluralist society from which Arabs are excluded.

    The other camp is the ‘State of Judea’, which developed among the settlers of the occupied West Bank. It enjoys increasing levels of support within the country and constitutes the electoral base that secured Netanyahu’s victory in the November 2022 elections. Its influence in the upper echelons of the Israeli army and security services is growing exponentially. The State of Judea wants Israel to become a theocracy that stretches over the entirety of historical Palestine. To achieve this, it is determined to reduce the number of Palestinians to a bare minimum, and it is contemplating the construction of a Third Temple in place of al-Aqsa. Its members believe this will enable them to renew the golden era of the Biblical Kingdoms. For them, secular Jews are as heretical as the Palestinians if they refuse to join in this endeavour.


    Two camps in the fracturing Israeli society. Above the two camps are labeled ‘State of Israel’ and ‘State of Judea’.

    Will Israel turn it's militancy inwards before or only after it has subdued all external enemies?

    The ‘State of Judea’ camp wants to rule Israel as a theocracy by it's own version of Jewish Law.
    A vision and theocracy that demands it control all of historical Palestine.

    October 7th was the Sabbath and also a Jewish holiday, the observant and also the Religious Zionists -- the ‘State of Judea’ camp --
    would choose to be in synagogues that day. Thousands of hedonists from the ‘State of Israel’ camp would head to a 'free love', Brazilian-style, trance rave party
    located within earshot of Gaza.

    Israel had Hamas' detailed plan for it's prison break. The plan indicated that it would take place on a Jewish holiday or the Sabbath,
    October 7th was both.

    The Rave Party was relocated just two days before October 7th and situated between Gaza and the Re'im military base on Route 232.
    The Re'im military base was a target specifically named in the Hamas plan, a plan that Israel had captured. Hamas, traveling along Route 232
    towards the military base, would have to pass by the Rave party.

    Haaretz (Israel's paper of record):
    "In private conversations, some officers in the Gaza Division told of irregular conduct and pressure surrounding the approval of the party [Rave]".

    The officer normally charged with approving/disapproving events such as the party had disapproved it as, "an unnecessary security risk".
    But, in an unusual move, he was overruled by higher ups at division headquarters.
    Half the IDF forces around Gaza were on leave because of the Jewish holiday. 100 commandos were moved away from around Gaza to the West Bank on the same day
    that the Rave party was relocated, October 5th.

    In the weeks and months before October 7th there was much intelligence information had by the Israelis that said an attack from Gaza was imminent.
    In the early morning hours of October 7th there was a top level command meeting because of concerning Hamas activity. No one thought to alert the Rave party
    revelers nor demand that they disperse.

    After Hamas escaped Gaza the police blocked the exits to the Rave party and set up road blocks in both directions of Route 232.
    This caused a massive traffic jam of revelers trying to flee.
    They became sitting ducks for Hamas and an Israeli Apache attack helicopter.

    The casualties from Hamas and the Hannibal Directive enabled the goals that the ‘State of Judea’ camp sought -
    to cleanse Israel and rule over all of historical Palestine.

    Have we witnessed a harbinger of a violent internal conflict to come?


    Which camp takes the most one-way flights out of Israel via the Ben Gurion airport?

    Posted by: librul | Jul 30 2024 12:18 utc | 8

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