Israel is fundamentally split between the European immigrant...

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    Israel is fundamentally split between the European immigrant Jews, predominantly Ashkenazi, and the Middle Eastern/African Jews. The former want "Brooklyn By The Sea" with a slow and methodical and controlled ethnic cleansing, the latter are more fundamentalist and are out-breeding the former. They even have different school systems, one "liberal" the other Zionist ISIS level craziness with all "Goy" being seen as lesser than any Jew (very reminiscent of Nazi Aryan propaganda). Add to that the 750,000 West Bank extremist settlers who seem to see no problem with land theft, murder and rape - very reminiscent of the settlers of the Western US in the eighteenth century or the Nazis establishing their lebensraum. Netanyahu is with the latter, that's why he wanted to change the judiciary and was opposed by the masses of European Ashkenazi.

    The ultra-Orthodox community, and to a lesser extent the religious nationalist community run separate school systems that offer subpar educations with little respect for democratic values like minority rights, Ben-David said.

    Because these communities have high birth rates, he said the country needs to go back to a “melting pot” model that includes a core curriculum promoting universal values, he said. “If we are one nation, then we need to teach our children what brings us together.”

    In the run up to the Gaza genocide, triggered by the at least "Let It Happen On Purpose" 10/7 with its surrounding mass propagandistic lies, the country was on the way to severe civil conflict over the judicial changes and Netanyahu's position was in danger. That was put to one side with the utter lies fed to the Israeli population about 10/7 and the start of the Gaza genocide.

    But we are now nine months past 10/7 with a war without end, and increasing foreign disgust as the reality of Israeli conduct comes out no matter how hard the Western MSM try to hide it. The more wealthy and socially advantaged Ashkenazi are seeing their dreams of "Brooklyn By The Sea" collapse, both from the ongoing genocide (with the related economic collapse) and the currently low level war with Lebanon/Hezbollah and Yemen.

    From April 2023: A deeply divided Israel limps toward its 75th birthday under weight of internal rift

    Over half a million of the wealthy Ashkenazi have already fled. At the same time the ruling that the ultra-Orthodox Haredi must serve in the army (these are seen by the Ashkenazi as a bunch of dole scroungers who spend all day "studying religion" while contributing little to Israeli society and breeding like rabbits, they also tend to spit on and generally abuse any Christians who wander into their neighbourhoods). The Haredi are 13% (1.3 million) of the Israeli population, rising to 19% (1.9 million) by 2035; and a significantly bigger proportion of Jewish Israelis and even higher of young Jewish Israelis due to the high relative birth rate. Netanyahu's coalition relies upon the Haredi parties to stay in power.

    Israel's Supreme Court rules military draft must include ultra-Orthodox men

    So Netanyahu triggers wars to stay in power, but relies for power on a group that refuses to fight in the army and contributes little economically to Israeli society while attempting to destroy the "liberal" society so treasured by the Ashkenazi Jews who pay most of the taxes and fight in the army. Not a very tenable long term position. The pressure on Israel needs to be intensified as the cracks in its society start to show, war with Lebanon (and therefore Syria, Iraq AND Iran with Russia intervening to limit Israeli air strikes) may end up as Netanyahu's most stupid decision.

    Posted by: Roger | Jul 30 2024 15:13 utc

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