Milei speaks in the US

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    Milei said on Wednesday that incessant state interference in the economy is hindering economic growth across the world and that too many view minor inconveniences as market failures. He went one step further and criticized the concept of market failures as a whole, particularly because markets are so difficult to define. In his view, “we are the market,” meaning that those who seek to control the market really intend to control the people.
    He believes that as the number of bureaucrats expands, “they need to justify why they are heating the chair,” and “they create regulations.” Milei cautioned against unnecessary regulations, especially as many reduce incentives to innovate. “What you are doing is killing innovation and therefore killing economic growth,” he argued.Milei also addressed more technical economic questions, including the contradiction between models and the real world. He believes that politicians often try to mold reality to fit an economic model rather than accepting that the models may be flawed.

    I think he's definitely right about bureaucracies. Particularly in government departments the bureaucracy always expands to serve its own interest. There is no profit objective to limit its growth. The checks & balances that exist like senate committees can be & are overwhelmed with truckloads of bumff.
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