miles an honest question, page-5

  1. 5,748 Posts.
    miles Miles, your answers are not entirely unreasonable, in fact would be good, that is if your original premise were correct.Snooker

    I have not got time for an in depth reply to your questions but I will give a brief geneal reply so before you try and pick it to pieces just bear in mind it is only a general reply

    You asked

    1. Think that ALL Zionist are automatically, scum?

    2. Some Zionists are and that others are not?

    3. How do you as a gentile differentiate between a Zionist and a Jew?

    I will answer your last question first - A jew is a person who has jewish parents or has adopted the jewish religion and practices the religion in other words a person of jewish faith.

    My comment

    Agreed .....with exception that the parents do not need to be Jewish.... the mother does

    A zionist is a person normally of jewish faith who for want of a better word politicies the religion.

    My comment

    Not correct. There are religious zionists who are left wingers...believe me, they are left leaning. Their Zionism is actually another meaning or word for...... Jerusalem. They are involved in politics and within their own political Zionisn exist a myriad of different degrees.

    Then there are zionists who merely yearn for a return to the days of old when Zion (Jerusalem) was the centre of Judaism. They know nothing about politics, keep to themselves and are similar to the Amish in Philadelphia, USA

    As far as all zionists being scum - I see anyone as scum who has extreme religious views and uses their religion to justify their actions especially when "non believers" are the victims of those actions.

    My comment.

    There are people who are not zionists, are not even Jews but........ are scum.

    Scum are scum no matter what their political or religious beliefs are.

    What I am asking you.... are Zionists in your eyes, now that you are aware, (that is if you believe what I posted) that not all Zionists think alike and that there are many branches within your eyes........scum?

    I'd like to point out that if the Zionist "scum" were left alone in 1948 behind borders which they accepted from the UN (despite the lions share being dispensed to the Arab Palestinian then....i.e Jordan) one would be getting pushed around today.

    So unless we were thought of as scum then, I can only assume that we are scum now for having had the ternacity and affrontery to fight back....and win!

    We no longer believe that a good Jew should take it on the chin, lie down, beg and then.....die. So perhaps we are not being proper Jews? We are not doing the right thing? We're supposed to grovel?

    I saw the movie...The Pianist, today.

    Only confirms my view...Israel needs to be strong, and fight tenaciously so that those who wish to do her harm will think twice.......and then again.

    And that does not make us scum.

    Scum are those leaders who would pull generation after generation into the language of hatred...and then teach that "hatred" of the Jews (and Infidels) is a requirement of the faithful, thus poisoning their children and their children's children....that's scum!

    We don't teach that to our chidren...Not in our textbooks......not in our modern day Jewish literature.

    So why are we scum...even those right wingers with Zionist leaning?

    We wouldn't bother anyone if we could be tolerated....and simply left alone within secure borders.

    Problem is....we aint going back to the borders of 48.

    Then they weren't acceptable to the Arabs....Now we know (we always knew, but now even you know) that they want us out, the 48 borders are not acceptable to us.

    That makes us scum?
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