Military Summary 24Jan. Was Uki downing of POW plane due to incompetence ?, page-9

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    RT reports: "Kiev’s attack on POW plane ‘insane barbarism’ – Moscow":

    Rodion Miroshnik, Russia’s ambassador-at-large for Ukraine’s crimes, condemned Kiev over the attack, warning that the perpetrators would be brought to justice. “By violating the agreements, they killed our pilots and escort soldiers and wrote off their own citizens,” he said.

    ”The Ukrainian dictatorship,” the diplomat continued, sacrificed their own service members to “demonstrate ‘Russia’s bloody nature.”’ In practice, however, Kiev only revealed its own “Nazi inhuman core by conspicuously sending to kingdom come those for whom it supposedly ‘fought’ and was waiting for,” he stated. [My Emphasis]

    Miroshnik's words could equally apply to the Zionists who kill their own troops. Any nation that shoots to kill its own troops who surrender to save their lives has no business being a nation, and certainly not one worth fighting for--against yes since its clearly an immoral Nazi-like waste. I'll wager that's a problem the Zionists face but won't admit it, nor will BigLie media.

    If you're a NATO soldier, you must begin to wonder what might happen if you surrender.

    Posted by: karlof1 | Jan 24 2024 21:12 utc

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