thalweg said:Just looking yes you seem to made of a cloth well...

  1. 7,590 Posts.
    thalweg said:

    Just looking yes you seem to made of a cloth well above the average cut.

    I'm not made of any cloth.

    I attended 14 schools from primary school to high and lived in 19 suburbs before I was able to legally go to the pub. I was fortunate enough due to people like Paul Keating to have access to a higher education

    However, I have seen plenty of rogues and womanizers growing up. I just don't count Tony Abbott as one of them.
    I know Mr.Keating was the originator that Mr. Abbott was "smashing the place up." Well, maybe certain figures in the ALP are contributing to the smashing. It's not like Tanya Plebiscite can go on Lateline and use the same line with any credence at all. I will always respect Keating but not those on the ALP front bench who pretend what a battler goes through on a daily basis yet appear on the "hip flask full of mace" (Keatings description not mine) Q & A and pretend to stand up for those of us who battle.

    I don't think the Tony Abbott is perfect. In actual fact, I don't like him. But having said that, he hasn't been given a fair shake by the Australian media and that mainly has to do with his opponents. Just my opinion.

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