MLS 4.76% 2.2¢ metals australia ltd

MLS :Multiple Targets for "Micro" Cent., page-1737

  1. 2,647 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 286
    Unfortunately I am the unloved child (Cant communicate with him).. got sent to Antarctica as punishment.. Lucky for me I ended up becoming friends with the polar bears and consulted with them. Sitting around the camp fire cooking fresh salmon and sharing life stories.

    Bears: We were sent to the local Zoo at Qingdao for display

    Nam: Wow, anything interesting happened in Qingdao while you were there

    Bears: They are all consulting with each other. One bear goes yes yes there was one particular interesting thing.

    Nam: Nice, what did you see small bear (talkative bear)?

    Small bear: There was a few westerners together with the local graphite producer (Hensen).

    Nam: Quickly, searching thru asx announcements that has pictures of the westerners. Small bear is this them.

    Small Bear: Yes, it is them.

    Nam: Wow and wow..

    IMO and DYOR
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2.2¢ 2.2¢ 2.1¢ $2.238K 101.7K

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6 681893 2.1¢

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Last trade - 15.39pm 31/01/2025 (20 minute delay) ?
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