AUL 0.00% 28.5¢ austar gold limited

mnm's mc , page-32

  1. 3,072 Posts.
    'Just talked to my broker mate again re market manipulation sells at 12.5cps.He has sent 2 emails to the regulatory bodies at ASIC and the ASX.'

    Market manipulation is a criminal offence.

    It's very rare to see it holding a SP down, but that is still a crime.

    Far more commonly market manipulation is investigated when dog stocks are pumped up to lure momentum monkeys to their doom.

    This kind of scam requires compliant mgmt prepared to spin a yarn about a Company's 'golden' prospects, and a pump squad with the cash on hand to move a SP dramatically enough to suck the DT's into the story.

    CVI is a classic recent example of this.

    There have been hundreds of others on the asx over the last decade.
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Currently unlisted public company.

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