but here's an extract from an even better article that shows how Tata fit into the new agenda, and how Tata will be expecting millions of tonnes of upgraded brown coal as a result of their deal with exergen by 2015.
8 million tonnes of BCE can only get to India in 2015 from the port of Geelong. How far is Geelong from BM - about 50 km.
Is their rail with sufficient capacity to get 8 million tpa from BM to Geelong.
'India's Tata is set to double its coal imports from 10 million tonnes as it builds two power stations. It has signed an offtake agreement with Exergen for 8 million tonnes from 2014 onwards but has been making contingency plans in case Exergen is unable to supply the coal.
"We hope to have the project up and running by 2014 to meet that demand but ideally we will have to have sign off on the coal supply by (the end of the year)," Dr Hamilton said. "Does it all fall off a cliff at the end of the year? Well, Tata has three or four other companies it can go to if our project doesn't get up, so we will continue to wait and see."
Federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson hailed the technology's potential to create "thousands of jobs" and "a brand new industry" in Victoria when he visited Exergen's successful pilot plant at Beaconsfield in Tasmania last year.
"This technology has significant potential for Victoria in particular," he said. "It could deliver emissions reductions which have been out of reach until now. The Exergen technology also holds the promise of Victoria joining the ranks of Australia's coal-exporting states."
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