Meerkat. some options present - now or soon. Russian corruption...

  1. 9,046 Posts.
    Meerkat. some options present - now or soon. Russian corruption selling a suitcase bomb or similar, Pakistan extremists getting hold of one or more - of their nukes, and further down the road - Iran developing one. Don't forget - it doesn't have to be a nuclear blast - a large dirty bomb can render a city uninhabitable for years. And finally North Korea selling a bomb....Why not? They sell everything else...In most cases it won't be a leadership question....except in the case of Iran who has vowed for decades to destroy Israel (or attempt it) and would very likely do so...even if they must hand off to Hizbollah to do the deed. There are many terrorist groups in the ME and closer to home that wouldn't hesitate to use a nuclear weapon - dirty or the big blast....It's a nightmare for intelligence services as they are well out of the loop and can generally, at best, detect the bomb(s) gaining entry to western targets. For Israel, they are more observant - and would likely pre-empt....but you can't be certain of it. I think electronic footprints are becoming a thing of the past and face to face dealings and plots are going to become the norm for Islamic terrorism. The joys the fake prophet didn't bring to the world....his apes will continue....just mayhem, murder, and intolerance.
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