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  1. 87,127 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    Your list is accurate --------

    but, that's just observations ------------------- the important bit is

    what does that suggest to you???

    now - that depends on how deep one thinks and POV and biases

    to me - what your racist list suggest strongly is -------

    square pegs do not fit into round holes

    there is absolutely no doubt that many Australian aboriginals are different -

    I say that as an observation - not as a value judgement

    to me - none of us know what that difference is - and, I suggest that there's more than one difference - there are - many many pointers

    we could begin with our attitudes ---- our values

    we, as a society believe that people are only of value if they are labour value workers - they do a job - dig holes, or fill teeth, they pay taxes, they do things that we do - and, if they don't - then, they are no bloody good and a drain on society

    if we step back and look beyond that ---- we see huge variation in all peoples

    I have had the immense pleasure to meet the most advanced human on the planet that I've met - and, he was an aboriginal

    I've met 3 outstanding aboriginals - and, I mean outstanding -

    2 kids - one about ? maybe 8, one about maybe 10 and an adult - the adult is the one I referred to above.

    different ???????? ---------- oh god yes - spectacularly different.

    would that man have fitted into what we call 'normal society'?

    I don't know - but, I doubt it - the conversations never got around to that - I would love to meet him again now I have more knowledge and more questions than ever about humans - but, my guess is - no, he wouldn't fit in as what we would describe as 'normal'

    his group (I suppose tribe - I don't know) - described him as 'touched'

    and boy, that was an understatement.

    my overall sentiment on how we all treat each other racially ------ not so much culturally - but, racially --------- is that - we often see each other as the enemy - or we see each other as ----------- all the same really

    well -we aren't all the same - that's crystal

    races are different, genders are different, species are different

    we - in Oz are a mix of genders, a mix of sexes, a mix of races, a mix of species (yes species)

    it's time we learned that and looked for advantages in all of it -
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