Jim Molan is a principled fellow with a good political instinct....

  1. 7,181 Posts.
    Jim Molan is a principled fellow with a good political instinct. Like many on the right he doesn't seem to understand how unprincipled the followers of Al Gore have become.

    Like the mantra from every Arts Dept comes the fake chant of "the science is settled". This of course has the impact of collapsing the spines of most real scientists who don't want to taste the bullying and harassment dished out from the so called Art's Depts.

    Gore knew how to groom said Arts Depts in order to assist his blatant grab for cash. He easily captured them and had every Arts Dept in the world delirious with glee that were now able at long last to regain control of science like they did in the USSR under Lysenko.

    Wasn't it 10 points that Gore lied about yet these lies are still being pumped into school children's heads?
    Wasn't it the IPCC lie about the reason for melting glaciers in the Himalayans?
    Wasn't it how the BOMs in the world have been criminally reducing historical high temperatures?
    How could 40 climate models be infallibly correct yet mutually, exclusive especially as none can predict tomorrow?
    The list is endless.

    They have to provide the evidence not you.
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