Lets rabbit on about his achievements: 1. The carbon tax - fair...

  1. 9,116 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17942
    Lets rabbit on about his achievements:
    1. The carbon tax - fair enough, give him a tick as China is burning more coal and has no plans to stop as other coal hungry countries are doing at our expense as we try to be green.
    2. Rudd stopped the boats with Manus Island (albeit he also was the one who opened the borders the fool). Remember the blame for its closure keeps going back to the ALP. How is the LNP going to stop boats without Manus?
    3. Mining Tax - yep another poor excuse for multinationals not paying tax, causing a energy shortage overeast exporting LNG. And ye, investment has fallen anyway - it is called commodity prices and cycle. Also tell me again Africa has a MRRT in disguise - you know governments take a free equity stake in your projects 15% - 25% before you start paying company tax on top of that. But continue to believe the nonsence and btw how many companies ended up paying it since you know it was in for a few years before it was scapped (here is the answer for you - not many if not SFA). But believe the tripe multinationals tell you - just like the $20 per ounce gold royalty increase in WA (that is what it translates to when a gold price is $1500 per ounce but the end of the earth says many here). Here is also another hint - the MRRT was modelled more concessionary than the PRRT system that petroleum projects pay in Commonwealth waters (guess what not many companies pay the PRRT either so that is your answer, not many would have paid MRRT but continue to beleive that tripe from TA)
    4. The other are the natural economy in terms of jobs - decisions in WA around LNG project approvals btw (construction was taking place in projects where FID occurred before even TA got in - taking credit for stuff he had no input into). That is the jobs growth came from projects that were approved way before TA's time (Gorgon, Ithys, Wheatsone, Queensland LNG)
    5. Now lets talk Debt Deficit Disaster and his ineptness at having an impact there by TA - what is the debt again - and broken TA promises and voters thinking he was as trustworthy as a rattlesnake in an hen house that even his own party ditched him and now his own previous supporters think he is a goose (Cormann/Frydenburg etc).

    To many dreamers here - TA would be lucky to get 10 votes in a spill. Having said that MT has lost the voters so IMO Porter/Frydenburg or Hastie should have a shot. MT has less than 1 year to turn it around orelese in the last 6 months the ALP will be dreaming of govt. TA yesterdays man, todays destabiliser and tomorrows fool. TA should just join Bernardis party and stay there. All IMO
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