monbiot on the spread of climate change denial, page-9

  1. 11,316 Posts.
    You are so correct Flats.

    Just think, we have 2 high tides and two low tides a day at different heights and different times. Get a tide book and have a look.

    Does man cause that no, the moon's gravity pull does.

    Once a year we have King Tides

    We have the Moon and the Sun that have influence on what
    happens to Earth, apart from Earth rotation cycle.

    The Moon our tides, the Sun our temperature.

    Earth has four seasons. Depending where you are on Earth it differs greatly. Like it don't snow in Cairns.

    Man has no control on the seasons, like the tides.

    If the Earth shifts a little out of it's orbit with the Sun do you think it will effect Earth.

    This is with out The Sun burning hotter or colder, which also, we have no control over.

    I am sure Nature/ our universe, has more influence over our
    climate than mere humans.

    Only thing constant is change.

    Go to Grand Canyon and see where the river has eroded away the earth's crust. Over the century's, thousand's of years it has revealed what massive changes Earth has gone through before man appeared.

    You are in the stock market.

    When they drill for oil or minerals, it's not the same all the way down. The climate must have changed a lot of times.

    People, you don't need to be a scientist with little letters after you name to realize this.

    Use your eyes, brain and common sense to realize, global warming is a scam, for a lot of money and power is involved.

    Remember the story of The Emperor's new clothes.

    It's fiction, like man causing global warming.

    Having said this, it won't hurt to improve our habits, but let's keep it with in reason and no scare tactics to ripe money out people and countrys to the scammers.

    Open you eyes and your brain, being uneducated to a high level doesn't mean you are stupid.

    Only thing Constant is Change.

    Just look in the Mirror to see that, on a more personal note.

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