Really Ben your attacking NASA's work on the word of this...

  1. 3,012 Posts.
    Really Ben your attacking NASA's work on the word of this guy?

    "Koch-Funded Confusion

    Koch-funded scientist Richard Muller makes up story about Al Gore, Ralph Cicerone, and polar bears
    by Joseph Romm

    28 Mar 2011 3:28 PM

    "Berkeley Professor Richard Muller, author of widely debunked books, has worked hard to undermine credibility in well-established science and doesn?t have a great grasp of basic climate science (see here) or energy (see ?here).

    Now, as we?ll see, he has become such a victim of Gore Derangement Syndrome that he fabricated a story about the Nobel prize-winning vice president and a leading scientist. He also gratuitously smears Tom Friedman.

    Laughably, Muller launched the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study to supposedly restore credibility in the global surface temperature dataset, but he has done everything possible to destroy BEST?s credibility, along with his own. He has taken money from Charles Koch, the leading funder of climate science denial, created a massive conflict of interest with his family business, allowed hard-core climate science deniers access to BEST?s work product, and apparently even allowed them to work with the team.

    In some sense this is too bad because, as Muller revealed in a public talk last week, BEST?s results to date show ?We are seeing substantial global warming? and ?None of the effects raised by the [skeptics] is going to have anything more than a marginal effect on the amount of global warming.?

    Muller, clearly, isn?t a denier like Koch. But he does share one thing in common with Koch ? Gore Derangement Syndrome ? and it has driven him to a libelous fabrication, two libels, actually. Brad Johnson has the story of just how far Muller will go to smear Gore:"

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