monckton wipes the floor with dennis, page-124

  1. 8,527 Posts.

    You go to the winter Olympics.
    You get tickets to the ice skating. The final.
    (They found a venue which has not yet melted overnight! Garnaut came up with one). hehehe!

    You watch the performance of skater No. 1. You are hooked - a fan for life.

    Youare ecstatic - which you declare to everyone. The technique, the costume, nothing can surpass it.

    You leave and go home. Telling everyone who will listen wonderful that skater is/was.

    You left prior to the performance of skater No.2, without seeing them perform. Watse of time, according to you.

    This second skater was absolutely brilliant - in all aspects. Their performance far outweighed the previous skater's,and in fact this second skater won the medal, the kudos, and the well deserved stardom. But you didn't like him because, well, various reasons were to the fore in your mind.

    You hear about this back home, but are only half convinced.
    and you voice your disblief to all who will listen!

    You are like this with regard to your dismissiveness of Tony Abbott and his potential. For HE is that second skater - and you have never, yet, seen him perform!

    He hasn't even ordered his skating boots yet - yet YOU have him, falling over and beaten - and tell us he'll never be any good.

    At least let him take to the ice when his turn comes!!

    That's good old Aussie fairness, isn't it!?????????

    If you stay and watch, you may be suprised!

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