monckton wipes the floor with dennis, page-130

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    The heroic and courageous whistleblower who leaked the damning climategate emails deserves our thanks and our admiration...

    The cabal of so-called "scientists" re-introducing soviet-style-lysenkoism with their falsified so-called "climate_science" deserve our condemnation...

    You need to get out in the real world... not the fantasy-land of the hysterical AGW cultists...

    The people you AGW cultists refer to as "denialists" are not lying, just telling the truth to closed minds, many oif whom are blinded by socialist dogma, the potential for massive profits, or just brainwahed and indoctrinated cultists too wrapped up in their group hysteria to be able to judge fact from fantasy any more.

    The cult group hysteria worked just as well for socialist hitler and his hitler youth as it does for the AGW cult...

    Climate change is a fact of life... it continually occurs and will continue to occur no matter what we humans do.

    The pressing need is for some common sense and perspective among the deluded and hysterical AGW cultists.

    The focus should be on ridding the scientific community of the cabal of pretend scientists "on the payroll promoting the soviet-lysenko-style- AGW scam".

    The focus should be on research to collect a fresh, "uncorrupted by this cabal of scammers" data set and an open and continuing analysis to get some honest answers, not soviet-style lysenko-style answers that match a pre-determined agenda

    The focus should be on developing sensible, workable new technologies that dont need massive and continual government subsidies.

    The focus should be on adapting to any changes as they occur, not trying to prevent the seas from rising, the wind from blowing except where we want it, and the temperature from changing. These things will happen regardless of what expensive foolishness you AGW cultists attempt to force the community to waste money on...

    The focus also needs to be on deprogramming the mass of youngsters who have been brainwashed into the hysterical AGW cult... or they have no future in the real world and may forever be tilting at non-existent shadows and windmills...

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