monday1309 gappies, page-63

  1. 4,960 Posts.
    woof back from the day job... n by golly this is an exciting time...

    Also on the ERUSD and AUDUSD shorts here... Fingies crossed :)

    N now to address some questions

    DenPal, re gaps not showing up on your platform...

    It seems that various brokers offer differnt windows of opportunities regarding the time that they "open" for Forex trading.

    Ig opens at 6am and presents gaps pretty well.

    My other/Main Forex Platform, AxiTrader doesn't open 'til later, n oft the gaps are different or do not show.

    So prolly with your broker they might be opening after IG, and as such the gap's will not show...

    From my perspective, it makes no nevermind, as I have "faith" that I can play the gaps well enough to keep me in the game, IE whatever broker offers me a gap... I see it as an opportunity... but hey, gives me a few heartstarters occassionally.


    haven't organised pics yet but I will when I am satisfied that the room is "right"

    Major things for me are:

    Two different PCs or "trading stations" so I can run different strategies seperately... I am a strong believer in having long term trades going at the same time as scalps... Has been described by "Pristine Trading" as having wealth generating trades (long term) and income generating trades (short term).

    I need to keep these trades seperate or they mess with my head, so having at least two stations enables me to have two opposite trades on the same instrument, for instance, and I only need be bamboozled by one at a time :)

    also sometimes I need to let a trade "cook"... I have learnt that the trade will do what it will do whether I watch it or not, but if I am watching, I fiddle and if I fiddle I am inclined to make a hash of things... having a sweperate computer so I acan attend to research n other net stuff (like moderatiing you lot LOLOL!)

    So, currently I have two setups one three screen one two screen at opposite ends of the my back is to one if I am working on another...

    A colour printer for charts (with paper supply n ink supply)

    I have a bookshelf with all my trading books n asssociated stuff, a whiteboard with weekly important info like Big eco news, I am organising a large pinboard for charts, and also have an "entertainment pod" with large telly n kick arse sound system so I can flood the place with noise or watch vids n stuff, educational or entertaining, n a couchy thing for sitting n relaxing. Also Guitar and amp for making lots of angry noises.

    Enough room in the middle so I can stretch.

    And also organising an airconditioner, cos one thing I have learnt is multiple puters n multiple screens get rather worm in summer... right now is kinda good (wintery still in melbourne) as the things double as heaters :)))

    ohh n despite that list of things... I am actually trying to maintain as little clutter as possible, n clean the place down before each session.

    NOte emphasis is on "trying" :)))

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