No Zzup..."Great Paragraph now Ur telling me how i should post"

  1. 107 Posts.
    No Zzup..."Great Paragraph now Ur telling me how i should post" <...

    In no way telling you how to post, but that if you want to be taken seriously, then their is a DIFFERENCE between a personal world view and actual FACTS.

    Again as an example of this is PEARS reply to my Vietnam post. I posted why America after years of fighting restricted and holed in South Vietnam, while the North Vietnamese virtually made Cambodia and Laos open supply routes to the South, that in 3 DAYS of bombing and I also posted the name of the bombing which was "Operation Linebacker 11", North Vietnam was bought to its knee's and made to attend the Paris peace talks.

    Another later post PEAR also states that America bombed civilians in Operation Linebacker 11 !! and infers that America attacked civilians, this is completely false. The bombing targetted rail stock, fuel depots, major bridges and roads and ports, SAM sites, weapon stock piles, although military targets in and Hanoi were bombed and by the Norths own admission resulted in limited civiiian deaths compared to the huge amount of air power unleashed on the North. After the bombing North Vietnamese rolling rail stock nearly ceased to exist, making the supply of the communist war effort near impossible.

    Agin here is the crux... Wars are fought by political directions, if that direction is not clear, then the war can not be won. Hilter losing the war in the east was due to this and America did not win the war in Veitnam, but due to poltical directions had to withdraw its army group. Large public dismay in America at the high toll of the war after many years made this decision.

    Pear also stated that is was the west who allowed and backed POL POT, when that is also completely false, with POL POT backed in every way by CHINA. If the far left in America had not waged a war of media against the war in South Vietnam, then General Westmoreland may have been given a free hand to win the war out right against the North and Cambodia (not Laos) would have been garrisoned by western forces in 1967/68, thereby ending the big plans that Brother number One had install for Cambodia.

    I have posted facts, although it is stated that General Westmoreland wanted a full scale invasion of Laos and Cambodia, this action was never caried out, so one can only summise what the future of those countries would have been if America had pushed all the communists and warlords out of those poor nations.

    Going by Thailand, who sided with the US in the vietnam in return for huge high building and investment, and Thailand is now the power house of the 5 countires, with the communists turning Cambodia, Loas, Vietnam, Burma into poverty stricken hell holes or near enough to. One can safely say that millions of people would have lead much better lives had it not been for the far left in and outside America.

    The lefties will always hate America.. why ... because Amercia has halted communism !!

    Zzup Im not going to some vague link you post up with you saying "read this it has all the answers type of thing".. I post FACTS and am not vague about it, I post direct and backable infomation, WHY would you argue against that, unless you can not do the same ?

    I have no seen you post one word debunking what I posted about Michael Moore, and all PEAR can do is post opinion after opinion... with NO FACTS... why do you and likes of PEAR run away an accuse me of being a bigot or no looking at other view when you are faced with FACTS ?
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