More bad news for the alarmists to "wine" about., page-112

  1. 10,534 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 207
    I doubt anyone has posted half. Because there is no evidence for that. And you hyperbolise in implying so.
    But I've certainly posted 30% due natural variation before, for that 1970-2000 period. I'm paraphrasing and working off memory, but those discussions have been aired in these threads,


    I'd counsel you to not rely too heavily, and treat as fact, a very recent single paper, not corroborated, in fact contradicted, by others.

    I'd also counsel you to recognise that even were it true, 70% of warming would still be due to CO2. And would amount to the same issue scientists have alerted us to. So that is the case even if your paper proved, in future, to be well supported by other studies and evidence.

    And I'd counsel you to recognise other studies which state warming is more than 100% due to CO2, due to countering natural impacts.

    And I'd counsel you to recognise this is not greatly significant given the acknowledged uncertainties of climate sensitivity to CO2.

    Overall, I'd counsel you to maintain some perspective and recognise your paper is no bombshell or counter to human caused climate change.

    But I've not had a great record of the denial camp paying any attention to that sort of counsel so far.


    Even 70% of warming remains problematic. That might allow us a little more time to get CO2 emissions down, but that's all. We'd still need to take action.

    As we are, globally. With a few notable federal political exceptions, even those whose obstructive efforts are being countered by state and commercial/entrepreneurial activities.
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