More bad news for the alarmists to "wine" about., page-5

  1. 6,777 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 260
    Science denier idiots typically go down this path of thinking.

    1. There is no such thing as climate change.

    2. Oh we did some research there is climate change as there were ice ages and warm periods in the past (we believe estimates from thousands or millions of years ago but we don't believe actual measurements taken by modern instruments real time)

    3. Oh actually we finally realised the climate is currently warming but it has absolutely nothing to do with huge green house gas increases and us punny humans that transformed the earth in a massive way in 200 years are so weak and powerless nothing to do with us.

    4. Oh actually green house gasses do have an effect.. but humans have nothing to do with the huge increases in CO2 and Methane over the last 200 years, we have been pumping it in to the atmosphere but you know it just disappears because the scientists are are communist frauds, and measurements can't be taken as accurately now as they could 500 million years ago.. jeez..

    5. Oh crap all the records are getting smashed and Australia is burning, climate change must be true because scomo now says it is, but it's only happening because of the evil greenies!

    i wonder what they will trot out next?

    Last edited by Bennybop: 20/01/20
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