more boat people deciding to go home, page-2

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    the adults are in charge at last - and a few home truths are emerging -

    "Everyone" I know - (generalising - but including most younger people in my family) working their guts out - to survive - long hours, plus overtime - plus wives working flat out - two jobs - home, and career - and these people flounce in, stamp their feet, and expect us to throw down some red carpet of empathetic welfare comforts. And squeal loudly if these comforts aren't immediately forthcoming - NOW!

    DO our teenage kids have ANY hope of having some bleeding heart find THEM a house, in the future. No, they'll be renting. Paddle in on some leaky boat you've helped pay to hire - and you're swamped with offers of mollycoddling, housing, welfare help, furniture, food, clothes, legal aid up to the High Court in your fight to stay - who you really are doesn't matter!

    Perhaps, the the drop off in impostor "refugees", some of the real ones - the ones with NIL money, and no voice - no hope - can be brought to the head of a few queues.

    Only if bleeding hearts stop all their self-indulgent bleatings - on behalf of those frauds, most of them actual liars and cheats. These hordes of "asylum seekers" - who expect us to believe THEY don't know who they are, either.

    Their ID, papers, and passports, (and personal banking and family tie records at to possible wealth, or not,) along with them) somehow blown away with the wind.

    Yet any of US (Aussies - whatever variety) turn up at ANY Centrelink offices - asking for any assistance - and we are all put through the churn, grind, and interrogations - who are you - and what are your assets - and your income? and that's just for starters.

    One rule for us. Another for these boat arrivalists - who presume to assume - that we're, all of us, even the bewigged, naive, gullible idiots. (And in many cases they're dead right!)

    IMO - or H&B - (In My Opinion) - which I hope I've a right to express -, OR, if I'm too outspoken for you, not PC correct enough? - more of my ranting (and some alleg "Hate and Bile" scribblings.

    Yet I hear thje silent pleadings of the voiceless TRUE refugees, rotting in some God forsaken camp somewhere. These well heeled queque jumpers (generalising) taking their place. Them left with No hope. we can't even hear them.

    Hope your weekend is good.

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