so what exactly qualifies you to pass judgement on my mental...

  1. 17,459 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    so what exactly qualifies you to pass judgement on my mental health? My motives are as i said - I have a particular interest in violence against women and thus in any I see as enabling it.

    when someone positions themselves as you have - as some sort of do good supporter of women and then makes excuses for being a bystander (and you had plenty of opportunities to demonstrate otherwise )then you are as bad - maybe worse - than those who are just plain good old fashioned sexist or misogynistic. It is you that has chosen to make it about something else

    I regularly consider my actions and my motives and in case you aren’t aware it is precisely that tendency that leaves many women vulnerable to violence.

    we are socialised to shut up, remain silent, not offend. We experience men questioning our mental health when we do breach those unwritten rules. we experience men telling us what is good for us. We experience men telling us what to do and how to think. But it is based on their views about us. What they want. What they think about themselves and the world. How they subconsciously position female views. How they handle and react to disagreement with women and how they react to having their faulty logic or behaviour pointed out.

    I’ll go back to the pentagon issue because it is so recent and was used by you as an attempt to discredit me. I have seen so many posts from you on that matter - and over an extended period. You have judged others on a moral basis in that case. There are debates you are engaged in actively over extended periods. So does that mean you are obsessive or any of the others who write on hotcopper with substantially the same themes and opinions. Is someone who writes over and over again about Netanyahu using essentially the same emotive language obsessive. Do you consider this to be putting their mental health at risk?

    so every time you post in this way you are simply doing what men regularly do when they don’t want to hear something from a woman.

    you can be assured however that it serves a useful purpose for me. I am happy to learn how to call people out and not worry about what insults or fake concern they have for me.
    In other words I am happy to behave more like this without resorting to some of the worst that you demonstrate.

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