Women do indeed pick fights.Men cannot defend themselves either...

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    Women do indeed pick fights.

    Men cannot defend themselves either or they get accused of being the perpetrator.

    WA to get first shelter for male victims of domestic violence (msn.com)

    Australian Institute of Health and Welfare statistics from 2021-22 report one in 18 men have experienced physical or sexual violence by a current or previous partner, while one in seven had experienced emotional abuse.

    Mac said it was a growing issue that needed to be talked about, and men were just as scared as women are of leaving abusive relationships because they feared losing their children and usually had nowhere to go where they could take their children to.

    She also claimed many men were the victims of false allegations taken to court.

    “I spend a lot of time in court with clients, but the amount of fake violence restraining orders against men, because he wanted to end the relationship because she was abusive, is just incredible,” she said.

    Mac said she had seen men petrified to defend themselves against violence from their partner, “in case they get called a perpetrator”.

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