More Desecration of War Memorials in Canberra, page-92

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    Even on an ordinary day, Canberra seemslike a long way away from the Australia you and I live in.

    But when you have pro-Hamas protestersclimbing on top of our Parliament – and Greens inside it – the national capitalmight as well be on a different planet.

    You have to wonder … What the hell isgoing on there?

    We started the week waking up withpro-Gaza graffiti on the memorials that commemorate the Australians who servedin the Vietnam and Korean wars.

    Apparently, you and I have “blood on ourhands”.

    Senator Jacqui Lambie smashed theculprits.

    But the Greens refused to back hercondemnation of the criminals who defaced the memorials to our service men andwomen.

    According to the Greens, war memorialsare “not politically neutral spaces” and painting political slogans over themis “free speech”.

    Just disgusting.

    Are there any Greens left who care aboutthe environment?

    They’re not who they used to be, that’sfor certain.

    And is it any wonder why protestersclimbed on top of Parliament House?

    Their backers in the Greens gave themthe green light.

    It’s all just free speech, don’t forget.

    But let me tell you what they do forget.

    On October 7 last year, an army ofpro-Palestine terrorists invaded Israel and slaughtered 1200 men, women andchildren.

    So here’s a question for you.

    What do the Greens stand for these days?

    Why are they on the same side as Hamas?

    Here’s an idea.

    If they love Gaza so much, why don’tthey go and live there?

    Let’s see how long Hamas would tolerateprotests like these.

    All this is exactly why ADVANCE islaunching a full scale attack on the Greens in the lead up to the next federalelection.

    As TheAustralian reported, we’re going to “drag down the Greens’ vote and expose the party’s radical policies”.

    You and I have to make sure everyAustralian knows that the Greens aren’t who they used to be.

    They’re not about saving theenvironment.

    They’re about destroying everything goodabout this country, tearing down our values and replacing our institutions witha woke society built in their own image.

    I know you’re standing with me on thisone.

    Now let’s go get ‘em.

    Yours sincerely,

    Sandra Bourke
    ADVANCE Spokeswoman

    P.S. Did you see my video, about why I’m stepping up? I’mexcited to be on board with ADVANCE and can't wait to put YOUR voice front andcentre.

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