More dire news for the Coalition

  1. 46,202 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    A uComms Poll indicates the Independent candidate has a big lead over
    the Liberal candidate in the Liberal seat of Mackellar.

    Further, The Australian reports that both Liberal and Labor strategists
    say support for the Coalition in Qld has fallen away putting a number of seats
    in play.

    The Age also reports that Liberal MPs are being told not to encourage early voting.
    That to me smacks of desperation that they don't consider the voters currently favour
    them. Its also like encouraging a massive omicron outbreak by having unmasked
    large numbers at polling booths. Reminds me of the USA Presidential election where
    sensible people voted by mail or pre-poll well in advance while Trump supporters waited till
    the day of the election. As the mail and pre-polls were counted last early counting of the
    on the day voting reflected a Trump likely win but once they started counting the more
    intelligent non covid spreading mail/pre-poll voters it swung Biden's way.

    PRE-POLL CENTRES open tomorrow Mon 9May and I will be voting at my local centre.

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