And I appreciate your courtesy and well-written response.You...

  1. 9,225 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    And I appreciate your courtesy and well-written response.

    You will have to bear with me though if I'm harsh on your views, which seem linked to post-QAnon fantasies. Apologies in advance.

    I suspect that you think SCOTUS will overturn the election on the basis of fraud. ("There is no question of the general doctrine that fraud vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments" United States v. Throckmorton, 98 US 61, 1878). That is why you believe the tweet that asserted that SCOTUS has scheduled the Pennsylvania election case, Sidney Powell's Michigan election case, and Lin Wood's Georgia election case for its February 19 conference.

    In the mind of a demented conspiracist, that would indicate that SCOTUS plans then to reveal that it was all a fraud, invalidate Biden's election and install Trump on 4 March, the traditional Inauguration Day of the "1776 Constitution", signifying it's 1776 all over again and (white) Americans have their country back.

    There are so many things wrong with this theory it's laughable. A few:
    • There is no 1776 Constitution. The US Constitution came into effect on 4 March 1789.
    • The matter has already been decided in the courts. There have been over 80 cases in the courts about electoral fraud, with many judges looking in detail at the content of Powell's and Wood's conspiracy theories and condemning them as ridiculous.
    • SCOTUS had numerous opportunities to intervene before 6 January and didn't.
    • Trump's AG Bill Barr set the DOJ to find something, anything, to prove electoral fraud and came up with zilch. If he couldn't find it, it's not there.
    • I have seen no confirmation of the 19 February SCOTUS schedule that indicates any of this.
    • Lin Wood may be out of action on 19 February anyway on the grounds of insanity. The State Bar of Georgia has asked Wood to take a mental health examination after he got kicked off a defamation case for “surprising incompetence” in election litigation. Wood’s tweets have called for the arrest and execution of then-Vice President Mike Pence, alleged that Hillary Clinton tried to orchestrate the murder of federal judges and claimed U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. had ties to pedophilia. Wood’s former law partners also claim Wood has said he might be “Christ coming back for a second time.”

    I could keep going on ad infinitum, but in short.

    You're dreaming. Thinking Trump will be re-installed on 4 March is insane.
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