More evidence of voter Fraud. Biden Fraud, page-790

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    More Fake News from the usual sources (GP, My Pillow Guy and others).

    The author even acknowledges that he used the voter database from 2nd October & so ignored the thousands of voters who registered to vote right up through and on Election Day.

    "Fact check: No, an algorithm did not manipulate Michigan’s election results

    Antrim County, the site of a human error that briefly produced inaccurate unofficial results on election night in November, remains the target of a misinformation effort that aims to sow doubt about the integrity of the 2020 election.

    The filing defines the alleged “key” as a “sixth degree polynomial” that “unlocks the door and uncovers the ability to manipulate data and results.”

    Frank’s analysis was filed as an exhibit in the case and he explains his findings in a YouTube video that has received more than 26,000 views. Frank says his work shows that “elections are being decided at the state level.”

    How? “Ballots are being harvested at the precinct level, regulated at the county level, and determined at the state level,” he claims.

    In an interview with MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell, who has peddled disinformation about the election, Frank says he found algorithms were used in every state he has analyzed to regulate voter registrations and ballots and control the election.

    Neither DePerno nor Frank provides any evidence for their claim of a state-level conspiracy to manipulate local results, other than the statistical correlation between ballots they claim were cast in the election and what the key — whose derivation they don’t explain — predicts.

    "Frank didn’t respond to emailed questions about how the key was generated, but he said he stood by his findings, which he said are based on information “directly extracted from the databases provided by the state.”

    Uzarski said the type of fraud Frank alleged would be an insurmountable task given Michigan’s highly decentralized election system.

    In Michigan, 1,520 city and township clerks process voter registrations, verify ballots and oversee the count on Election Day. Results are compiled by 83 county clerks and certified by county boards of canvassers who review ballots, poll books and the results. Only after the Board of State Canvassers certifies the results is the outcome considered final.

    It would be impossible to cook up thousands of ballots that were invalidly cast, Uzarski said. “There is not room for any kind of injection of ballots or injection of ghost voters or people who didn’t vote but people are voting for them.”

    Our ruling

    In a YouTube video, Frank claims his analysis of Michigan’s 2020 election results shows that the election outcome was decided at the state level ahead of time using a mathematical “key” to manipulate vote totals.

    Frank offers no evidence for his claim other than a statistical correlation to this key, whose derivation he doesn’t explain. The figures he cites as the basis of his analysis are different from those in official records.

    Experts say the vote-manipulation effort Frank theorizes would involve a wide-ranging conspiracy that would not be possible under Michigan’s decentralized election system.

    We rate his claim Pants On Fire."

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