More fake news without limit it seems against Trump!!!

  1. 16,970 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 56
    If anything the blatant fake news seem to be boosting Trumps credentials!!!!

    check this out from New York Times:

    The article states in the title "Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost" clearly the left media is using propaganda to attach Trump to white supremacy without any foundation!!

    Is as if the left need to link Trump to Neo Nazis and White Supremacists!!!

    The left are desperate to associate Trump to Neo Nazis and White Supremacists  even though in the article they state “I’ve condemned neo-Nazis,” Mr. Trump told reporters"!!!

    The facts are the article states verbatim  "After a storm of criticism over his remarks, Mr. Trump’s aides persuaded him to moderate his message by assigning explicit blame for the violence to far-right agitators, which led to a stronger denunciation of hate groups — emailed to reporters and attributed to an unnamed “spokesperson.”" The trouble for the article is the were no far right agitators!! Sorry Neo Nazis and White Supremacists are not alt right and frankly they have historical links to the left!!!

    So it seems the left are so weak and desperate they have to conjure up events to dramatise extremist action including those causing murder arguably so they can attempt to get political advantage by abstractly linking Trump to extremists Trump has nothing to do with!!!! Pretty pathetic from the New York Times and many other clearly biased news outlets that clearly are unbalanced and dependent on a regime of thought that could only be construed as left wing!!!!
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