'll Ah, so you clearly have not done your homework. To determine the rate at which a company is growing,
you look at the growth/time % Ratio (its not that complicated)
First 1 Million, - 2 million transactions time was much less. Now 2 - 3 million, time was Significantly Less. Proof they are growing by the day.
May I kindly and respectfully ask you to take your pathetic attempt to down ramp and shove it...?
Shame on you. Our economy is not that great as it is. People like yourself are lowest of the low.
A great little Australian company. Got my backing
No need to get personal just because I'm not a ramper like yourself
When do you reckon they will surpass 1 billion transactions to even justify
current market cap ???? I'll give you a prediction when they will hit
4 million transactions Mid November still a long way off a billion
what is yours ???? A piece of advice to all those Motley fools
Don't be emotional be rational !!!!!