More Morrison lies

  1. 47,972 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Scott Morrison lied to Australians about global warming / climate change as well as the state of the Australian economy prior to the 2019 Election.

    Now he's lying to us on a daily basis by very publicly responding to issues such as drought and bushfires ravaging Australia with comments such as those below:
    . I get it! [really PM, what you're doing flies in the face of RCs and science]
    . I understand how people feel! [as a 'chosen one' whose seen Pentecostal lights and took a Hawaiian Holiday while Australia burned, you could not have less understanding that what you;ve demonstrated].
    . We're doing what need to be done! [like WHAT exactly, hiring a fleet of the world's largest water bombing planes perhaps?]

    The only thing Morrison's doing well is repeating lines such as those above as if they're facts when in reality they're just lies.
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