More on Andrews beating., page-655

  1. 44,198 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 642
    Porter "could just as easily have said “Porter stood up and acknowledged that the speculation in the media about a current Liberal politician being accused of a historical rape allegation from 1988 was him”. but he didn't did he.... he was panicking and in tears... desperate to deny the allegation yet caught in the bind that necessitated his blurting it out.

    Zip you're an excellent adversary.... have you legal training? or are you a debater perchance. Someone who can spin an argument whichever side or quarter you choose?

    I can play devil's advocate if you like.....

    Yes, you're missing something alright.... your drift from Porter (relieving the victim of his own cross) and over to Andrews (you carry his cross to him with hammer and nails)

    what a funny person you are Zipp.
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