More on Andrews beating., page-440

  1. 3,955 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 97
    Auditability is expected (and necessary) agreed, Maz.
    Comms and locations would be a must logging procedure.

    Transcribing such info errors from the auditable logs (especially in the case of a very awaited news release) is very tardy.
    Monday 9th March 2021 is not a fair dinkum date.

    If the log was copied and the entry was incorrect ... a log entry would have been found to be incorrect.
    If the info in annotated form was released and a transcription error occurred ....
    maybe someone could fess up.
    The error, and/or the reporting of the error of the incorrect date are both fishy - certainly in the circumstances of providing proof of the event to the interested public.
    It is an apparent example of the Victorian Public Sector unable to show transparency in the first instance.... adding fuel to the fire of faceless bureaucrats affecting citizens' lives in unaccountable ways.
    You may say big deal.... its just a little mistake...
    It however displays a culture of un-accountability.
    How hard is it for an apology and explanation of a transcription? error.

    B4 the usual L v,R brigade arcs up.......This post makes no inference re beatings or any other unfounded theory on Andrews' injuries,
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