IMO any serious threat to Australian sovereignty will be...

  1. 22,123 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 769
    IMO any serious threat to Australian sovereignty will be economic
    rather than a military attack by a foreign power. And if there was to
    be an attack by China it would be likely Nuke first and we have
    no protection against that, IMO.

    During the cold war both Russia & the US had enough missiles
    (some nuke armed & sone not (decoys) to overwhelm their
    respective anti missile defence systems (hence the Tree Line/
    Due Line defence in the USA became redundant. Even first
    strike advantage was negated by the fast reaction time of the other.

    And so it will be with a US/China Cold War, IMO. At this stage the US has a
    weapons & delivery systems/locations advantage but the Chinese are rapidly catching up.
    IMO the Chinese will have adequate systems in place to counter any US first strike
    attack by the end of the decade with enough subs , aircraft carriers and sat surveilance/
    sauce based weapons so that war is not winnable by either sides which gets us to
    the Einstein proposition. "that WW4 will be fought with sticks & stones."

    IMO, the USA plans to downsize on its "global policeman" expenditure and this is why
    we have been compelled to buy US nuke powered subs which no doubt will have
    nuke delivery systems and by the time that they are build will have US Nukes aboard
    with US command/control systems. In other words Aus will be the Aus branch of the US
    Navy but paid for by the Aussie individual taxpayer.

    This is why the ATO should be taxing the miners & big businesses to pay for this gig
    because National Defence means protecting Multinationals Aus based assets and profit centre.

    The original budget for the 12 conventional French subs was $90 billion (+ another $50 billion by the time they were built)
    IMO this 8 nuke powered jobs will cost at least $200 billion by the time they are commissioned which will be in 20 years
    time. That means $10 billion of extra tax required. A flat tax of 10% on all multinational's revenue would yield at least
    another $50 billion a year ATO revenue, enough to pay for the subs and 50 high tech fighter planes, IMO.

    If we need extra tax beyond that, then death duties/inheritance tax similar to the USA & the UK (50%) would
    yield an extra $40 billion a year. both would save the average Aussie wage earner from footing the impending enormous
    bill to protect Aus & pay down debt, IMO.We need to require those who can pay, pay, not financially cripple the
    average PAYE taxpaying worker and give the rich & the multinationals a "penalty kick", IMO.

    Its fine to rave about the Nuke Subs & our cosy US relationship but the Yanks will make us pay retail, IMO;
    no gifting in lieu of our expensive participation in US wars. Business is business, US style!

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