more signs property market going nowhere, page-10

  1. 485 Posts.
    Gooday Bassy... Yeah Im back & went even tho you attempted to save my bacon a coupla times, ha ha I had a rest anyway

    ireckon Im good also for a 35-45% average down outlook , coast to coast, & i think were about 1/3rd the way thru in reality, now... so 2012 is lookin a shit storm in a 2 bedroom fibreboard outhouse...ha hardy har...
    Seriously... now,
    the big end of town's movin alota funds fast...

    I'v moved over 8$m of my client FUA to bonds in the last 5 months alone, myself (& Im smallfry) compared to others i know make this look like pin money...

    Goin to victa this week again, so i think its gonna have the arse out of the trousers down there, (was in tatters my last visit 11 weeks ago) so well ilet ya know the same sad stats...
    pretty much iv given up the for-warning period in advice terms...hey its not sink or swim, but, if the dice is cast, n they's overcomitted then just bstand in the hairdressers que, cos the grandaddy of haircuts is coming, now quite fast...
    cheers Les

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