More travel possible, page-33

  1. 85,882 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75

    you don't say why you think it's a crap idea ----------- at least i hinted about one reason

    I think it's an excellent idea - for several reasons - these are just some

    1. of course it removes stigma ------------- need I expand or is everyone ok with that? - should be perfectly obvious if one reads this thread
    2. it adds to disposable income if one has more than the requirements for basic needs --

    so, rather than bringing up cheap emotional examples like "Malcolm Turnbull, Twiggy Forrest and Gina Reinhardt"

    who for gods sake are one in millions -------- how about coming down onto the surface of the planet and thinking about it practically - for the tens of millions of the rest of us - those who have some income - but, just don't qualify for the pension ------

    so, add in what heaps of people have as a retirement income - then PLUS a universal aged pension and you get ------ a LOT more discretionary bucket to pour into your economy -------- it's not difficult to understand.

    If you insist on bringing up really childish examples like forrest and co - you find that most people like that - I would say the great majority with such wealth - give heaps and heaps and heaps back to the society anyway - twiggy certainly does, Kerry packer did and most of them do so -

    so, if they get an extra ?? 20 or 30 grand a year -------- so, what - they probably give it away anyway - AND, they probably target it better than any government - Labor or Liberal -------------- it's really a very weak argument against a UAP
    it's throwing the baby out with the bathwater --------- a particular Liberal habit that they excel at
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