Morning Day Traders 6/11/19, page-112

  1. 14,245 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 110
    That's a very general comment. Sometimes tough decisions have to be made - life isn't always rosy for employers either. Being an employer in small business - I can say that we would lose our own shirt before sacking anyone - and have done a couple of times. We've had the same crew working for us for over a decade. If you want good staff - you have to treat them right. Trust is a big part of any relationship. In this economic climate - I've seen quite a few businesses go bust. Often we're on the recieving end of that with money owed that will never come to fruition. We had another company go bust on us two weeks ago. It's a big viscious circle that affects more than people realise. I've seen many companies go broke through the recievership of another company - where outstanding money owed has sent them down the gurgler.

    My 50cents - from the other perspective.

    Sorry to hear that anyone has lost their job though. Take care @meringo Bigger and brighter things lie ahead - you just have to get out there and find them.
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