Morning Traders 10/02/2020, page-75

  1. 2,839 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2395

    Biotron is advanced as any researcher on nCoV. If 'they are a spec stock that is gonna look into it,' is the limit of your knowledge, then yes, I'd agree.

    But it's not, far from it. BIT commenced studies into SARS in 2003 and dropped it after the virus was contained. But since there work on RNA viruses took a new and unexpected turn when they made a unique discovery to do with ion channels of the E Protein. It has become the basis of their new US Patent application only a few months ago. I won't elaborate further on the science, but I can tell you that no one is sitting better than them. As for giant Chinese pharma working on the issue, their main drug candidate now is Gilead's Remdesivir, a broad spectrum antiviral not yet fully tested. Before this, they were only administering main stream HIV antivirals.

    It may be the case that Remdesivir pips BIT at the post, but even if so, it won't be the last we'll here about the progress of their nCoV work.

    Then there is their HIV work that has been defined as 'vaccine-like.' And for good reason. But you'd have to know something about the science to appreciate that, and not just a traders sentiment determined by how much they've been burnt previously.
    Last edited by Batmansdaughter: 10/02/20
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