Gold, Copper, Lithium
Way over sold
38.46 mil SOI$2.136 mil COHMC 4.8 milThe campaign included 64 aircore holes for 4,400m at the North Stanmore gold and lithium project, 11 reverse circulation holes for 1,090m at the Coodardy gold project and 1 diamond hole for 290m at the company’s potential IOCG target.
Lithium upside at North Stanmore
Late last month, 1VG’s chief geoidentified pegmatite in the first 200m of drilling at North Stanmore.
The largest concentrations of lithium-containing minerals, like spodumene, are found in granitic pegmatites.
“This is the first potential lithium anomaly the company has identified across our large, underexplored tenement package, and we are now accelerating an assay program to test for lithium and pathfinder indicators from these pegmatite occurrences,” exec director Brendan Clark said at the time.