Morning Trading September 6, page-130

  1. 9,039 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 753
    So i should reconsider ZIP? PLS? LDX? RDN? SUM? just to name a few that many here trade every day and some hold LT , yet i am the one that doesn't know when to buy or sell them? and it has nothing to do with the ASX or ASIC letting whatever they want to happen?
    Then why do i have Damien from the Australian stockholders association asking me to send him recordings and snapshots of suspicious trading practices affecting people everyday?
    Why does ASIC even exist if you and others who are critical and think the market is flawless think it's not needed but it's traders making terrible trades after years of stocktrading and constantly complaining causing the share price of these stocks to not move and fall?

    I've seen you here for many years and I think your comments are those of people betting against the longs, whom don't like shorting,capping or scalping badmouthed , simply because you rely upon it for unethical trades,

    It's become a one-sided small caps market favouring the bears and their methods of making share prices fall or not move, i'm not the only one who can see this here on these forums.
    The only stocks making the market rise are the blue chips and even they have copped a hiding lately.
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