Morrison cocking his leg on Russia

  1. 47,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Unlike Morrison and his born with a silver spoon in mouth Muppets, Putin is a product of the school of pain, suffering, grief, loss and hard knocks. Morrison was in his element acting as a bully-boy via the indefinite incarceration of vulnerable and defenceless asylum seekers, but that's not what he's dealing with now.

    Putin knows and feels what Russians suffered as Hitler tried to remove the Russian People from Planet Earth. He also knows how the West exploited Gorbachev's naïve capitulation and the subsequent disintegration of the USSR during which time he had to drive taxis to feed his family.

    Etched in Putin's mind is that must never be allowed to happen again. It explains his paranoia about NATO's provision of weapon systems into the Ukraine, a similar action to what Russia almost did during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He warned the West NOT to do so but we refused to listen.

    Morrison's masquerade pretending that Australia matters more to Russia than a flee on an elephant's back and that somehow his responses will actually impact Russia would be comedic if it didn't matter. As with his abuse of China, it'll impact Australians via higher petrol and gas prices as our supplies are redirected to a Europe starved of supplies from Russia.

    Yet again, Morrison will place the burden of cocking his leg on Russia square on Aussie Battlers.
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