Morrison Govt establishes another $16 Billion Pork Barrel

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    Following on from Sport Rorts, Carpark Rorts, JobKeeper Rorts and others, Morrison's Government is set to do even worse at the 2022 Election:

    "... MYEFO includes billions in extra spending that the government is yet to announce, an indication it has budgeted for announcements it will make closer to the election.
    The May budget included $3.8 billion in decisions taken but not yet announced, with another $1.6 billion slated for the 2022-23 financial year.
    However, the mid-year budget includes $16 billion in decisions taken but not yet announced, including $5.5 billion this financial year and $4.1 billion next year.Shadow Treasurer Jim Chalmers said the $16 billion in unannounced spending amounted to a rort.
    "[It is] billions of dollars of your money stashed away to be spent on the Prime Minister's political interests, and not on the national economic interest," Mr Chalmers said. ..."
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