Morrison motormouthed China

  1. 46,779 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    Just when you thought it couldn't get worse, we get news of Morrison's COP26 motormouthed gaffe targeting China:

    " Scott Morrison's COP26 speech slip-up goes viral on Chinese social media Weibo "
    "... Morrison mistakenly said in the speech on Tuesday "global momentum to tackle China", when he instead meant to say "climate change".
    The hashtag "Australian Prime Minister Misrepresents Tackling Climate Change As Tackling China" has so far been seen more than 130 million times on Weibo.
    A social media post from Chinese state media outlet mocked Mr Morrison's mistake and said in a post: "[His] head is full of China."

    So in just a few days Morrison has strained Australia's relationship with China, France and the USA ... to quote Get Smart's The Craw, "Ahhhmayzeeeng!"
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