cheers debono.... "Actual problems with being as we are....."....

  1. 41,657 Posts.
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    cheers debono....

    "Actual problems with being as we are.....". no system is ever perfect and the current model (duopoly with two Houses, one to legislate and the second to review) is an acceptable model in its own right if we can tweak the practice of voting for the same old same old duopoly by getting increased independent representation in parliament.

    if sufficient numbers of independents are elected (a small majority would be enough) the Indi members can take control and reform how parliament operates. and how decisions are made in ministries to ensure expert non-partisan advice instead of biased Party Political advice.

    the bicameral aspect of the House seems to function well with the senate providing sufficient opportunity for amendments.

    as for the GG, why do we need a symbolic head of state. other nations do fine with an elected leader, also possible under an Indi parliament. This wold remove the possibility of a partisan con man taking effective control. What need we of a Pres if we have an effective PM?

    Once the PH has adapted to an Indi model, much of the problems presented by the duopoly would no longer be an issue. yet a further reform to cement in the independent nature of PH would be to change the election to a sortition model where 100-200 citizens are randomly selected to occupy the seats for term of 1-2 years.

    imagine, no need for expensive elections which usually tell us all lies about the other party and waste $$$s on advertising.

    I don't have many answers and I'm certain there are others better qualified on this subject.... and I'm very interested to read your views.
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