Morrison needs to look at Portland in the USA, page-7

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 2
    @twouptom; in general I like people everywhere because, basically, they're people!

    Apparently unlike you I don't place people into boxes according to their racial background and I don't profile them according to which box they're in.

    At the end of WW2 and after what Japan did to it, China was one of the poorest countries on Earth and its society basically a feudal one. It's brutal Communist regime had saved it from extermination flowing from Japanese invasion and took a no-holds-barred approach to rebuilding the country from the ground up - the west delivered no support and indeed sought to destroy it up until the early 1970s when Gough Whitlam enabled a thaw in foreign relations and the progressive modernisation of China.

    An elderly neighbour of mine accompanied Whitlam's first trip into China - I have copies of slides he took at the time attesting to what life was like in China at that time. They make for sobering viewing!

    The relationship that developed between China and Australia following those first visits by Whitlam enabled both countries to wave goodbye to their rust-bucket, Colonial Era economies.

    When I toured China in 2002 what I saw was nothing like what the 1972 slides documented and the image that was being constructed by our media. I was gob-smacked by the extent to which the Chinese had transformed the country from a dirt poor agrarian society into a rapidly modernising almost western society. I was stunned that I could photograph more freely than I can today in Australia and delighted when local Chinese wanted to me to be in 'selfies' with them at places like the Forbidden City.

    Then I sailed through the almost completed Three Gorges Dam and thought to myself; the China story is exciting and delivering for its people.

    As we travelled past China's coal-fired power stations and through industrial areas pumping out all sorts of toxic stuff into the atmosphere I knew that China would be faced with an air quality crisis - one that was exposed at the Beijing Olympics. Australia's relationship with China probably maxed out at that point - we had greatly assisted the Chinese in their delivery of the Beijing Olympics and Chinese people will never ever forget that.

    In 2013 Abbott and his incredibly destructive clowns gained office and Australia's relationship with China rapidly soured. Abbott immediately banned the ABC from broadcasting into China apparently because Murdoch couldn't gain a foothold there. The rest is History but fault doesn't only lie with China's President Xi - Morrison and his disgusting warmongering Muppets could hardly have done more to destroy the relationship.
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