iron mike. believe it or not, i can sympathize with your...

  1. 1,746 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 148
    iron mike. believe it or not, i can sympathize with your extended family. I have travelled throughout Sri Lanka. An absolutely stunning place where there is room for all. There was fanatisism on both sides but all of the people i met were awsome. I can understand that after the civil war that many Tamils didnt feel safe and so became refugees, but what has the political people in this country done both left & right. They have demonized these people and sent them back to suffer god knows what. Do we care, i would say yes, but we never have any followup, these people disapear from our radar. As with the Moslem population in the Arab world, most are genuine refugees, Afgahnistan is not Arabic, but for the most part follow the Koran. I would suggest to you and others, give them a go in life. At the same time as i have said on many occasions if hatred and jihad is promoted against our way of life in Australia, then they will be on the 1st plane out to where they came from. At the same time those people should like all of us, not lose the right to voice their opinions and protest if they think something is wrong.. Anyway, hope you and your family have a great weekend and also with differing points of view can find some middle ground, so we can all make this country a better place and give all people a better future.
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