Morrisons latest idea to boost ponzi house prices, page-20

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Who in here wants the price of their house to fall?

    Hands up please....

    .......hmmm, no hands??

    Why does a hand full of morons paid by the public purse think they can solve the increasing house prices? Supply & Demand...

    The finger pointing if they think they can do anything should start at the steps of Parliament in each state. Look at the head costs imposed on a Developer for each block of land...thousands of dollars. Councils no longer put in basic infrastructure, it is now up to the Developer who passes those costs on to the buyer.

    The taxpayer then wobbles in a slaps his money on the table to buy a block of land while the State Government lines up for a fillip on Stamp Duty charges which pushes the costs ever upward.

    The ALP reckon that by removing NG on established homes and have it available only on new homes will take the heat out of the market and assist "first home buyers" to purchase their first home.

    Yet another stooopid ALP idea that will backfire as it is supposed to push investors into the new home construction area while the first home buyer still can't afford an established home. Then the "first home buyer" has to compete with investors to buy their first new home...the dopes down in Sussex Street believe that will be a good thing.

    I spent some time selling new land in some new estates many years ago, and yes the odd first home buyer came in and would buy a cheaper block of land to build a cheaper house on. But, even then there were many investors as well that would swoop in early and snap up the cheaper blocks before the "First Home Buyer" got to them.
    They would put contracts on the land weeks prior to approval even to ensure they got the land. many "first home buyers" are not in the position to do that.

    It is typical of the ALP...collectively they would have no more intelligence than a classroom full of five year olds...
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