Moscow Terror Attack, page-41

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    Ukraine and Western Culpability

    How is that for a headline? A number of videos have appeared on Telegram purporting to show the Tajik POV of their attack (WARNING — Very Violent) and the response of Russian security forces — also quite brutal. The circumstantial evidence revealed so far certainly supports the claim that this was a Ukrainian operation poorly disguised as an ISIS-K attack and that the United States was clued in on what was expected to happen. Despite the “War Porn” nature of these videos, I think there is some benefit from posting them.

    I want to start, however, with the U.S. and Western insistence that this was an ISIS-K operation. How in the world did the U.S. determine that “fact” so quickly? Here is my suggestion (Note to Babylon Bee, feel free to steal) — the people who so quickly mustered still unseen evidence to conclude that it was not Ukraine, but a team of murdering Islamic extremists should be immediately assigned to conduct a similarly expedited analysis of who blew up NordStream. They should be able to get to the bottom of that by Monday morning. Once they’ve knocked that out then they should turn their attention to the Kennedy Assassination. It is about time we had some definitive answers on that. Their ability to ferret out the “truth” about who was responsible for the heinous attack before the attack had concluded and while suspects were still roaming the Crocus Concert facility shooting unarmed civilians suggests that they have some remote viewing capability that is world class.

    Okay. Enough sarcasm. This snippet from a Wikipedia page is being circulated by Western sources as part of their effort to implicate ISIS-K in the attack. There is no information on any Russian Telegram channel (so far) about this guy suggesting he had any role in the Crocus attack. The next photo is a different story.

    Shamsiddin Fariduni, arrested terrorist suspect

    This photo that emerged today of Shamsiddin Fariduni, one of the terrorist suspects, who was visiting Crocus on the same day that US Embassy Moscow warned American citizens to stay away from places like Crocus because of an imminent terrorist attack is one more piece of circumstantial evidence suggesting the Americans knew more about the terrorist plans than they shared with Russian security forces. What did US Embassy Moscow know about the impending attack and when did they know it?

    The following video shows evidence, in my opinion, that these guys were not highly trained, skilled operators. You will see one shooter go through a doorway and shoot supine victims at close range with 7.62 x 51 ammunition. He demonstrates rudimentary room entry skills and is not behaving like a tactical operator. He is just randomly pointing and firing. You will see him later in the video casually holding the rifle in his right hand. The group as a whole are not moving in a tactical formation nor do they appear to have any specific objective in mind. They are just wandering around doing murder and mayhem.

    Here we have a video that claims to record the apprehension of one of the Tajik suspects. The Russian Security force personnel are quite pissed and not at all concerned about being accused of “police brutality.” It appears they were under strict orders to capture alive. Otherwise I think they would have shot him on the spot.

    WARNING — This is brutal and disturbing. One Russian security guy decides to lop off part of the ear of the suspect — it appears to be Mr. Rachabulizoda Saidakrami Muradali– and then tries to make the Tajik eat it. I understand the emotion and fury the Russians felt but this was a breakdown in the chain of command. An officer should have intervened and ordered his guy to stand down. Before any Westerners try to go sanctimonious and lecture Russians about their conduct, I would remind all that the U.S. Department of Defense shit-canned the phots of Bin Laden’s body because the Navy SEALS who shot him completely desecrated the body. Just saying that Americans live in a glass house if they are thinking about throwing rocks of complaints at the Russians for their behavior.

    I would note there are subsequent videos showing that someone in the chain of command finally took charge, had Rachabulizoda Saidakrami Muradali bandaged up and treated. However, Muradali did take quite a beating

    A court in Moscow held a preliminary hearing in closed session on four suspects in the Crocus attack. They are:

    Dalerjon Mirzoyev.

    Rachabulizoda Muradali.

    Shamsiddin Fariduni.

    Muhammadsober Fayzov.

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